Clutter-Free Creatives

Creative people can have clutter-free AND organized spaces.

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Creative types have the reputation of being very disorganized and messy. We don’t have to be! If my creative space isn’t in order, I have a hard time working in it effectively. It becomes even more important when our space isn’t that vast warehouse of our dreams.

If you have the desire and will to organize your space, let me help you get started with this 2-phase approach - Declutter and Organize.



Start by working through each of the areas below one at a time. Take out all the items, make sure they’re working or relevant, and donate or sell duplicates or unused items. With what is left, put it aside until you’ve gone through each group. While you have them out, it’s a good time to neaten things up (folding, trimming, winding, etc.)

  • Storage Containers

  • Notions

  • Machines/Accessories

  • Materials (fabric, thread and yarn)

  • Patterns (paper and digital, including books)

  • WIPs (works in progress)



This will vary person to person based how they use their space and its size. However, here are some ideas.

Easily Accessible: Items that you use most frequently should be easy to reach or pull out. For example, you should have your rotary cutter, rulers, pins, marking tools, etc. near your cutting area. You might have the same (some in the smaller versions) near your sewing machine.

Storage: Once you know what you have, you can find appropriate ways to store them. Start with the storage options you uncovered in the decluttering phase. You may not have to buy anything else. If you do need something else, I’ve got you! Here are some ideas:

Fabric - Shelves, Clear Plastic Bins, Drawers (plastic or dresser),

WIPs - ArtBins, Project Bags

Notions - Desk Organizer, Stackable Storage Boxes, Small Plastic Drawers, Peg Board, Foldable Carriers

Rulers - Ruler Rack, Wall Plate Rack, File Organizer (wall or desktop)


Thread - Thread Rack, Container from Thread Manufacturer, Plastic Shoe Container or Drawers

Paper Patterns/Magazines - Magazine File Boxes, Binders and Page Protectors, Brochure holders, Scan and Recycle

The links are just examples to get you started in finding the look and size that fit your space.

Empty sheet set or curtain bags and DIY zipper bags are all around effective way of storing items - fabric, notions, etc. If you make your own, you can customize the size to fit your needs and use some of the scraps you rediscovered during decluttering!


Project Tracking

There are many quilting journals and project trackers. You can also use individual sheets to store with each WIP. Below is a link to one I use that you may also like. It’s yours for free to download.



  1. Only go through this process if you REALLY want to be organized. It’s not for everyone and that’s ok. You do you!

  2. You don’t have to do everything all at once or all in one day! Maybe smaller sections will help you from feeling overwhelmed.

  3. When your spaces is the way you’d like it, do yourself a favor. After you’ve finished parts of a quilt or finished for the day, do a quick pick up so all your hard work wasn’t for nothing.

Please reach out if you have questions or feedback. All the best to you!


Creating Timelessness in Your Home with Quilts


“Separate Ways” Quilt